Michelle Reed
International Travel

Three Siberian tigers born at Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

Three tiny Siberian tigers were born at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Powell, Ohio, late Wednesday night.

Aware from the glare of visitors and in their private den, this intimate footage captures the furry felines snuggling up to their 11-year-old mum, Irisa.

Based on the observations from this remote camera, the triplets appear to be healthy but their genders are still unknown.

“Welcoming tiger cubs at the Zoo is always exciting but it is also a time when we proceed with cautious optimism,” zoo president and CEO Tom Stalf said in a statement.

This is the second little for Irisa, with the father of this one being eight-year-old Jupiter, who arrived at the zoo from the Czech Republic last March as part of the European Endangered Species Program.

There are now seven Amur tigers at the Columbus zoo. However, fewer than 400 of the big cats, also known as Siberian tigers, are believed to be living in the wild in their native forests of the Russian Far East.

Check out the raw CCTV footage of the new cubs in the video above.

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animals, News, zoo, Tigers, siberian