Melody Teh
International Travel

What happens to your airline blankets

If you’ve ever wondered what happens to all the airline blankets and pillows, now you have an answer.

Qantas has been donating the blankets to (human) charities for years, but it just recently extended its program to include RSPCA shelters. Since the initiative started last month, more than 10,000 used blankets have gone out to animals.

“We have donated blankets and duvets to people in need around the country for many years and we are really proud to extend our donation program to help animals,” Qantas head of customer products and services Phil Capps said. “It’s great they get a second opportunity for use by our four legged friends.”

RSPCA NSW executive manager of animal care services Brendon Neilly said the donated blankets would help countless animals.

“Due to their quality, as well as the quantity, RSPCA NSW is able to use the blankets right across the organisation,” Mr Neilly said.

So if you’ve ever been tempted to take a blanket home for a souvenir, you might want to rethink that decision!

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News, Travel, Travel International, Airline, Blanket, Charity, RSPCA