Michelle Reed
Travel Insurance

The emergency health kit you should always travel with

Nothing ruins a holiday father than an unexpected illness or injury. In case of emergency it’s best to be prepared, especially when travelling to foreign and remote countries. A small kit of emergency supplies and medication should be packed into your luggage, just in case – and while you probably won’t use all of your supplies, as the old adage goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Any number of supplies might come in handy and your personal kit will be dependent on your destination and your travel plans.  Here is a basic checklist to get you started, and should be adjusted accordingly to your needs. 

Tailor your travel insurance to your needs and save money by not paying for things you don’t need. Click here to read more about Over60 Travel Insurance.

For more information about Over60 Travel Insurance, call 1800 622 966.

Related links:

Surprising facts about travel insurance

Before-you-take-off checklist

What to do in an emergency while travelling

tips, travel, Travel tips, Travel insurance