Ben Squires
Travel Tips

10 mistakes we all make when travelling (and how to avoid them)

When planning your long awaited adventure it can be tempting to try and plan everything, right down to how you’ll spend your last cent/nickel/pence/rubble. Problem us, this kind of meticulous over-planning can really suck any sense of excitement and spontaneity out of your plans.

We’ve rounded up the most common mistakes made by the majority of travellers so that you can avoid them. And have the trip of a lifetime.

  1. Overbooking – While getting everything sorted before you even set foot in the airport can be an A-type personalities dream, it leaves little to no room for a change in plans to seize opportunities presented. Book in the major things but leave a little leeway for spur of the moment decisions.
  2. Using a travel agent for everything – The internet can be scary but with the plethora of exceptionally easy to navigate sites available to travellers today there is really no need to use a travel agent for your whole trip. You’ll often save a considerable amount of money by DIY-ing some aspects so perhaps try and save the T.A. for things like booking accommodation the get online for the rest.
  3. Missing out on local culture – It pays to be wary but not overcautious when exploring a new place. Yes we have all heard the stories about being scammed or having our money belts removed by a light fingered pick-pocketer but by tarring everyone with that same brush you miss out on a whole load of opportunities to experience the real culture of a location.
  4. Trying to see it all – When excitement levels are high the appeal of seeing eight counties in 10 days can seem alluring. Thing is, you’ll barely have time to find your feet before being whisked off to the next stop. Travel is all about experience so try and take a step back and focus on where you’d really like to go and what you’d really like to do.
  5. Underestimating costs – Yes travel is cheaper than it once was but the wildly fluctuating dollar coupled with the price hike of popular tourist destinations means that many things may end up pricier than you think. Always try and over rather than under budget.
  6. Packing too much – It’s an easy trap to fall into and one the majority of travellers end up having issues with. Remember, if you don’t wear it home, you probably won’t wear it while away. Dress comfortably and for the season and don’t forget that you’ll most likely shop while you’re away.
  7. Buying too much – The best way to avoid this common pitfall is by reminding yourself that you have to get it all home. A quick look at excess baggage charges should sort you out quick smart.
  8. Not taking out insurance – “If you can’t afford travel insurance then you can’t afford to travel”, goes the old adage. You’d be surprised just how many people seem to forget this essential before hopping onboard their plane. Make sure you find a policy that covers you for everything and enquire about any existing health conditions to ensure you’re covered or have an alternative should symptoms arise.
  9. Treating the guidebook as gospel – A well thumbed Lonely Planet is helpful for your hotel staff, taxi driver and the tourist board in the city you’re staying are likely to be even more information filled.
  10. Panicking – When you travel things tend to go wrong. Often they are small and easily fixed. Try not to let a minor mishap completely derail your plans.

Image credits: Getty Images

travel tips, mistakes, avoid, holiday