Georgia Dixon
Travel Tips

10 tips for a better night’s sleep in a hotel room

From noisy neighbours to unbearable bedding, a good night’s sleep in a hotel room can be hard to come by. Here are 10 tips to help you get decent shut eye.

1. Book a room midway down a hallway

This is generally the quietest part of the floor, way from ice and wending machines, laundry facilities, exits, closets and any other places where sudden noises might occur.

2. Try to avoid rooms facing a pool

While the view is something to admire, pools can also be the sight of noise generating late-night gathering and any sounds generally echo loudly off the water.

3. Inquire at the front desk about pillow options

If the wrong pillow gives you back or neck pain have a chat to the front desk when checking in. Most hotels stock pillows of varying firmness, and can offer a better fit.

4. Pack earplugs and eyeshades

When you’re struggling to get to sleep the tiniest noise or ray of light can end up being a huge distraction. Nip this in the bud by packing earplugs and eyeshades.

5. Turn your mobile phone off

Mobile notifications can be a huge distraction (particularly when they’re coming from friends and family in different time zones). Turn your phone off, and enjoy the bliss. 

6. Make use of your ‘do not disturb’ sign

If you’re planning to sleep in make sure you put your ‘do not disturb’ sign on the outside doorknob, otherwise you might get a rude awakening from a housekeeper.

7. Report any noises immediately

Sometimes a quick pound of the wall will quiet down a noisy neighbour, but this doesn’t always work. If the people in the room next to you won’t keep quiet, make sure you let the front desk know and they can take the necessary actions.

8. Adjust the room temperature

Most people sleep better in a cooler room, so make sure you adjust the temperature to whatever is the best fit for you to get sleep. Even just opening the window a tiny little crack can make a big difference in terms of your overall comfort levels.

9. Ask the front desk about blackout shades

Particularly if you’re staying in a city that’s full of lights, noises and distractions, blackout shades can provide you with a level of peace and comfort that will help you sleep.

10. Consider bringing your own sheets

Particularly if you’ve got skin sensitives, it’s generally a good idea to bring your own sheets (if you’ve got enough space). The familiar scent and feel will really help you sleep.

Image credits: Shutterstock

tips, travel, holiday, sleep, hotel