Ben Squires
Travel Tips

4 secret techniques flight attendants use to avoid jet lag

You don’t travel around the world without picking up a trick or two. M2 has asked United Airlines flight attendant Katie Harrison and Cathay Pacific flight attendant Linda Zhao to share some of their secret tips for avoiding jet lag after long hauls around the globe.

Here are a few ideas you might want to take onto your next flight.

1. Having a catnap on your flight

It’s a good idea to sleep on your flight, but you don’t want to do it. The trick to avoiding jet lag is going to bed at night time in the timezone you’re travelling to, and because of this Zhao only allows herself a maximum of three hours’ sleep on a long haul flight.

2. Then taking a quick nap the minute you land

If you’re landing during the day and feeling exhausted you might be tempted to sleep for 16 hours! But Harrison suggests this is the wrong thing to do. Instead, a quick nap after checking in at your accommodation can rejuvenise and get you in sync with the world.

3. Taking measures to avoid dehydration

One of the key things that exacerbates jet lag is dehydration, so Harrison and Zhao both recommend taking measures to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids before, after and during your flight will help you stay fresh, relaxed and arrive at your destination in good shape.

4. Avoiding coffee and alcohol at all costs

Alcohol has a dehydrated effect, and coffee is the same with the additional jittery feeling you get from the caffeine. Both Harrison and Zhao recommend avoiding both in the hours leading up to your flight, otherwise you’ll arrive in your destination in ordinary shape. 

Do you agree with these tips? Have you ever faced a bad bout of jet lag?

Let us know in the comments. 


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travel, Travel tips, flight, plane