Alex O'Brien
Travel Tips

5 outrageous travel fees and how to avoid them

There’s no such thing as a free lunch (or dinner, or upgrade, or transfer) in travel. Here are a few fees that are especially annoying – and how to avoid them.

1. Airline baggage fees

These can range from exorbitant fees for checking a single bag (at least $25 on many airlines) to the simply outrageous charges associated with excess baggage. Some airlines in the US have even started charging for carry on baggage that needs to be stowed in the overhead bin. It can end up costing more than your ticket! How can you avoid it? Firstly, two words: Pack. Light. Don’t pay for baggage you don’t need. Secondly, look for tickets that include baggage or have the lowest fees. Be aware that these generally won’t be the cheapest fares on offer.

2. Hotel Wi-Fi

Surely if McDonalds can offer its customer free Wi-Fi, then your hotel should be able to do the same? Unfortunately not and many charge anywhere from $10 to $30 per day for access. If connectivity is important to you then check the hotel’s policy carefully before you book. Strangely enough, it’s usually cheaper hotels that offer free Wi-Fi while more expensive ones charge extra for it. Or, seek out Wi-Fi hotspots to log on and avoid the fees altogether.

3. Single supplement

Travelling as a single almost always doubles the price, which can make it prohibitively expensive for the solo traveller. And that seems pretty unfair. Thankfully, many of the worst offenders – like cruise lines and tour companies – have started to realise that solo travellers matter too. Keep an eye out for deals that remove the single supplement entirely or offer it at a reasonable price. Many new cruise ships have begun to install solo cabins that are good value and, while small, have everything you need to come aboard.

4. In-flight amenities

$7 for a pillow? $5 for headphones? No thank you. Airlines have made an artform out of charging for absolutely everything, so you can end up spending another $50 on bits and pieces to make yourself comfortable. Bring your own blanket and pillow, load up your iPad with enough to keep you entertained and pack some snacks in your hand luggage. Problem solved.

5. Priority boarding

We’re just going to say it – this one is nonsense. There is no real need to pay a fee for priority boarding on a plane. If you genuinely have mobility issues or need some assistance, then you will be able to board early and the staff will help. Otherwise, your seat is allocated to there’s no need to rush. Save your money.

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travel, flying, money, free, fees