Melody Teh
Travel Tips

5 tech mistakes not to make while travelling

In the hustle and bustle of preparing for a holiday away we sometimes forget about the small little things. We’re sure you’ve checked off all those big things you needed to do before you jet off but have you considered these simple tech mistakes people often made? We’ve rounded up the top five you’ll want to avoid to ensure your trip is easier and more enjoyable.

Not backing anything up

You might only be away for a week and it’s just a few hours away so it’s unlikely anything will happen, right? But what if the unexpected does happen and you lose your photos from your phone? What if your tablet gets stolen or lost? What if the memory card goes bust? Back up your phone, tablet and digital camera before you go away and if you’re holidaying for a while, it’s worthwhile to bring a USB stick to periodically back-up.

Using your cell data

For those going overseas, roaming rates can cost an arm and a leg. Either check if your mobile company has a reasonable international package or switch off the cellular data so your phone won’t use it. Instead limit yourself to wi-fi – most countries have public wi-fi hotspots and most accommodation usually has internet. Remember not to do anything personal on an unsecure wi-fi connection.

Making calls instead of using Skype

Rather than paying for international calls and texts, Skype will let you stay in touch with friends and family for free. Just make sure you’re connected to wi-fi so you’re not paying for cellular data.

Stowing electronics in your check-in luggage

You might be tempted to throw some of your electronics in your big luggage, after all you’re not going to be using them on the plane. But remember your check-in bag has to survive manhandling and an unpredictable luggage belt and we’ve all heard stories of items mysteriously disappearing from bags. Keep your expensive electronic with you on your carry-on.

Not keeping devices close

When you’ve settled into a hotel room, it’s easy to forget they’re not very secure. Think of all the people who have access to your room when you’re not in it. Even leaving valuables behind the desk can bring with it certain risks depending on the establishment you’re staying at. The best advice is to keep your electronics on you at all times.

Image credits: Getty Images

Technology, travel, Tech mistakes, Electrical devices