Travel Tips

8 things flight attendants hate

Being trapped inside an aircraft cabin really seems to bring out the worst in people. And the cabin crew has to deal with it all day, every day. Here are eight things passengers do that flight attendants hate.

1. Just because they serve your meal and bring you a drink, that doesn’t mean that flight attendants are waiters. Above all, they are there for your safety, not for your snacks so don’t treat them as your personal servers. Respect the job they have to do and listen to their instructions.

2. Flight attendants are very busy right before take off, from getting all passengers seated to performing final safety checks. So don’t sit down as ask for a drink or another blanket straight away. Wait until you’re safely in the air before making any requests.

3. It’s one thing to get up and stretch your legs, but the cabin crew really wants you to stay in your seat as much as possible. Passengers standing in the aisles or congregating around the alley make it very hard for them to do their job – and you’ll probably annoy other passengers to boot.

4. A clean plane makes for a more pleasant flight for everyone, so make an effort to throw your rubbish out when the crew come through the cabin with garbage bags. That said, don’t try to thrust rubbish at an attendant while they are doing something else – simple hygiene rules are in place to keep your waste separate. This is especially true for things like dirty tissues, toothpicks or nappies.

5. Yes, the entertainment options onboard most planes now are great but that’s no excuse for leaving your headphones on when the crew come to ask you for your meal or drink preference. It only takes a moment to slip them off, make eye contact and answer politely. Good manners go a long way.

6. When nature calls, you have to answer – but try to do so considerately. Don’t get up to use the bathroom when the meal or beverage service is in progress or right before you’re about to land. It’s almost impossible to get through the aisle at those times and it means holding everyone up.

7. You might be there for almost 24 hours, but the plane is not your home so don’t make yourself too comfortable. That means no cutting your nails (fingers or toes), walking around barefoot (which is just gross for everyone) or attending to any other personal hygiene matters. The other passengers will thank you as well.

8. And under no circumstances should you whistle, snap your fingers or tug at their uniform to get the attention of an attendant. How would you like it if someone in your office did that to you? A simple “excuse me” works every time.

Image credits: Getty Images

travel, flying, Travel tips, Flights