Alex Cracknell
Travel Tips

Easiest travel hack to save big on the cost of flights

Planning your upcoming holiday and haven't nailed down your flight bookings just yet? Well, hold off a bit because there's an optimal strategy to maximise your savings.

A recent research study conducted by Expedia has unveiled a golden nugget of advice: Booking your flights on a Sunday can lead to substantial savings, potentially up to 20 percent off your airfare.

This valuable insight is part of Expedia's 2024 Air Travel Hacks Report, which is packed with useful information to simplify your trip planning process.

Let's dive deeper into this Sunday-saving strategy. When you compare booking your flights on a Sunday to the common practice of booking on a Friday, you'll likely discover substantial cost savings. Considering that average ticket prices have soared by approximately 20 percent compared to last year, any opportunity to trim your expenses becomes paramount.

Now, you might be wondering how far in advance you should secure your flights for optimal savings. If you're embarking on a domestic adventure and have your travel plans locked in more than three months ahead, you're in a prime position to economise. The study's findings indicate that travellers who booked their domestic flights at least 14 weeks before departure managed to pocket an average savings of 20 percent compared to those who procrastinated until the 11th hour.

On the other hand, if your journey is taking you across international borders, there's less need for anxiety. International fares typically exhibit a fair degree of stability during the six months leading up to your travel date. The sweet spot for booking your flights for an overseas escapade is ideally at least one month prior to departure. This early booking ensures both availability and the potential for cost-effective fares.

Here's a summary of the Expedia report's findings:

Book on a Sunday to save up to 20% on average
Travellers who booked on Sundays instead of Fridays tended to save, on average, around 20% on domestic flights and international flights. The best day of the week to book has been Sunday, while the day to avoid has been Friday, for the past four years.

Book at least three months before domestic flights to save 30% on average
The sweet spot for snagging the best price on domestic flights falls between 70 – 100 days before departure (so about three months in advance of travel). Travellers who booked during that period saved 30% on average compared to those who waited until the last minute (0 – 30 days before travel).

Book six months before international flights to save 25% on average
Travellers who booked around six months in advance of international travel saved an average of 25% compared to those who waited until three months or less to book. The key to booking international airfares is to book as soon as possible, with prices traditionally cheapest 160 days or earlier before departure.

So be sure to set an alarm or mark your calendar for a Sunday when booking your flights, and if you have long-term travel plans, secure your domestic flights at least 14 weeks ahead. For international journeys, booking a month before your departure date will help you make the most of your travel budget. Happy travels!

Image: Getty

Cheap flights, Expedia