Alex O'Brien
Travel Tips

Managing sickness when you’re on holidays

Whether it’s a cold, nausea, headache, migraine or perhaps something even worse, nothing puts a damper on a well-deserved holiday like falling ill.

If you feel like you’re becoming sick overseas it’s important you act fast.

We’ve put together some tips for managing sickness when you’re on holidays. With a bit of planning you can be confident that sickness won’t derail your next trip.

1. Make sure you hydrate

If you’re battling illness on holidays, the worst thing you can do is let yourself become dehydrated. The problem is there are lots of travel situations where you’ll be a while between drinks, such as on a cold, dry plane or long guided tour. This is why it’s critical to make sure you keep your fluids up while you’re on holiday, to avoid dehydration. 

2. Take advantage of your hotel’s amenities

If you’re feeling a little bit under the weather, sometimes it pays to take an afternoon off. Many people feel compelled to soldier on, but going out when you’re not healthy is actually doing you more harm than good. Have a hot shower, ask for some extra pillows and blankets and take advantage of your hotel’s amenities as you rest up.

3. Get medical attention

If you’re sick overseas and you feel as though you’re getting worse, it might be an idea to seek medical attention. This is why travel insurance is so important when you’re venturing overseas. Be sure to ask hotel desk staff to assist you with finding and appropriate doctor, and make sure you take your travel insurance documents along with you.

Have you ever been sick overseas, or know someone who has been? How did this affect your travel plans and how did you manage?

We'd love to hear your story, so please let us know in the comments below.

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travel, health, illness, sickness, nausea