Travel Tips

Readers response: What’s your favourite travel memory with your children?

One of the best parts about travelling is having your kids, or even grandkids, in tow to experience a unique holiday together. 

We asked our reader what their favourite travel memory they're shared with their children is and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said. 

Lynne Fairbrother - All the camping trips we made when they were kids, great family fun.

Karen Ambrose - A long boat trip on the canals in England…. fabulous.

Christine Whyte - Lovely family holidays where I holidayed with my parents, aunties, uncles, and cousins every year for over 18 years. Great summers of beach and fishing and fun times.

Suzie Justinic - Many overseas trips we had as a family to see family in other countries.

Cathrine Stanton Hillier - Sleeping in the back window ledge of the car. Mum made a small sleeping bag for me.

Margie Buckingham - Every year, one holiday was an ‘away holiday’ while the other 3 were spent at nanny’s beach house, which were just the best!

Touring Tassie on the Spirit was a great holiday. So was the Gold Coast doing the Theme Parks. But I think the best was driving to Sydney for the Olympics 2000.

Barbara Holmes - The great holidays staying at Cairns Colonial Resort in the 80’s! 

Jill Harker - Emigrating from the UK to Australia on the ship in 1970 when the boys were about 7 and 8!

Image credits: Shutterstock 

travel tips, memory, holiday, children, readers response