Alex O'Brien
Travel Tips

The surprising thing that could get you kicked off a flight

Body odour is a delicate issue. No one wants to embarrass their friend, family member or even a stranger by calling them out on their personal hygiene, but that’s what some flight staff are required to do.

It’s long been a policy of certain airlines to ban odorous foods on aircrafts, but it turns out odorous people can also get the shaft. Many airlines (mostly American) have a clause in their passenger terms and conditions that states a traveller can be banned from boarding a flight if they have “offensive odour not caused by a disability or illness.”

Australian airlines Qantas and Jetstar don’t specifically outline body odour in their policy but Virgin Australia maintains they can refuse a passenger or baggage item if it emits a foul odour.

While it might seem a hard rule to enforce (just how smelly does one have to be?), it has actually been enacted before. A Frenchman onboard an American Airlines flight from Paris to Dallas was removed from the plane after passengers complained about his body odour. In 2010, another passenger was kicked off an Air Canada flight after their fellow travellers complained of his “brutal” smell. Ouch!

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to deal with on a flight? Tell us your experience in the comments below!

Related links:

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hygiene, travel, flying, smell, body odour