Ben Squires
Travel Tips

The one thing you must check when using a hotel safe

Travellers are facing renewed warnings regarding the use of hotel safes, following the exposure of a potential security design flaw in many popular models.

Conde Nast Traveller has suggested that many hotels don’t change the default unlock code, “000000”, which exists if you have forgotten your self-created password.

Which as you could imagine, is not exactly a thief-proof password.

So, before you leave your valuables in your hotel, make sure you can’t get into the safe with the “000000” code or another popular code like a variation, “1-2-3-4”. If that default opens your safe, contact the front desk and see if they have a security deposit box.  

Have you ever had any valuables stolen on a trip?

Let us know in the comments. 

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travel, hotel, Travel tips, Passport