Ben Squires
Travel Tips

What to do if your plans have been affected by Cyclone Debbie

As the scope of destruction caused by Cyclone Debbie becomes evident, Allianz has released information for those affected by the extreme weather event.

The category 4 cyclone wreaked havoc in Queensland causing heavy rain fall, gale force winds, flooding and tidal surges. With flow on weather events expected across the Queensland coast line, the insurance provider recommends you stay informed.

Asides from following advice of authorities, Allianz says, “We recommend you regularly check the Bureau of Meteorology, news and media outlines and transport websites for up to date information about the event and its impact on transportation services.”

Allianz also touches on advice for people looking to make an insurance claim in the wake of the natural disaster, suggesting people, “Keep all receipts for any additional transport, food or accommodation expenses. If you are claiming cancellation or additional expenses you will need to submit documents showing what your original planned pre-paid arrangements were, along with any receipts and showing your new arrangements, and advice from the travel provider indicating the non-refundable portion of the journey.”

For more information, click here

Do you know anyone caught up in this disaster?

Hero image credit: Instagram/paddy_moore via Storyful

Travel, Travel Tips, Cyclone Debbie, Weather