Charlotte Foster
Travel Trouble

Angry residents ask neighbours to ban their kids from being outside before 9am

A frustrated resident of Mosman on Sydney’s affluent harbourside has penned a letter to their neighbours about their noisy kids playing outside before 9am.

The letter was shared to a Mosman community Facebook page and received an abundance of comments from bewildered locals calling their request “ridiculous”.

In the letter, the author begins with a passive aggressive “Congratulations on your renovations”, implying the noise has been going on for some time. 

They go on to write “we have endured many months of construction noise and now we are being disturbed by your kids in the backyard early in the morning.”

Image credit: Facebook

The author goes on to request that their neighbours keep their active children inside until 9am, instead of 7:30am when they are “disturbing the peace in the neighbourhood.”

The letter concludes by stating “Kids will be kids but I’m simply asking if they can go out later so your neighbours are not awoken too early in the morning.”

While some locals living in the elite suburb with an average house price of $4.1million sympathised with the person who wrote the complaint, most did not. 

One commenter wrote, “'Seriously! We are in lockdown… We all need to show a little patience.”

Another perplexed neighbour said, “FFS let them get some outside air before at-home learning starts. It's good for them… Suck it up neighbours.”

However, through all the comments calling out the author of the note, some jumped to their defence. 

One local parent wrote, “I have two kids and I never let them play in the garden until around 9am. I think it's really inconsiderate.”

Image credits: Getty Images/Facebook

Travel trouble, neighbour, noise complaint, Mosman, Children