Charlotte Foster
Travel Trouble

Aussie expat discovers list of things that are illegal Down Under

An Australian living in the UK has compiled a list of things that she didn't know were illegal in Australia until she moved overseas. 

Sharing the video on TikTok, Rhiannon was baffled by the UK's relaxed laws when she relocated to Brighton in the country's south. 

The Aussie expat was shocked to discover how many things she could get away with in the UK without a fine, like drinking outside and riding a bike without a helmet. 

"Doing things in the UK that are illegal in Australia," Rhiannon captioned her now-viral video, which has over 3.7 million views.

Her first rebellious act was jaywalking, which is completely legal in the UK but can result in a $220 fine in Australia.

According to the Road Rules 2014 act, jaywalking can cost pedestrians up to $220, but if you choose to have the matter determined by a court, the maximum penalty increases to a hefty $2,200.

Next, Rhiannon put her feet on the seat of a UK train, which can cost Aussies up to $1,100 in fines, according to Transport NSW.

Rhiannon was also shocked to discover that in both England and Wales, citizens over 18 years of age are permitted to drink in public. 

These rules differ state-to-state in Australia, however drinking in public places outside licensed premises and in council-designated no-alcohol zones is illegal.

The expat then went for a bike ride without wearing a helmet, which is perfectly legal in the UK. 

In Australia, bike riders are required by law to wear a helmet, with the maximum penalty hitting NSW residents with a $344 fine. 

Rhiannon's comment section on the video was flooded by fellow expats, with one British woman claiming she was shocked at Australia's rigid laws when she visited Down Under. 

"When I went over to Aus to see my sister, I was too stunned to speak at being told you couldn't just cross the road," she said.

Despite Rhiannon's video, many people have claimed that Aussies don't abide by these laws, and are viewed more as guidelines. 

"Do people actually think Aussies abide by these rules?" one person asked. "I've lived in Australia my whole life and never heard of any of these 'laws'," another said.

Image credits: TikTok @rhiannon.cunningham

travel trouble, Australian, expat, United Kingdom, laws