Georgia Dixon
Travel Trouble

Newborn baby found in toilet on Etihad Airways flight

Cabin crew onboard an Etihad Airways flight from Abu Dhabi to Jakarta made a horrific discovery when their plane touched down at its destination – the body of a deceased newborn baby.

Prior to the discovery, the flight was forced to divert to Bangkok after a 37-year-old Indonesian woman started to bleed hours after departing from Abu Dhabi. Upon arrival in the Thai capital, the woman was removed from the plane.

It wasn’t until the aircraft touched down in its final destination of Jakarta that cleaning crew located the newborn baby's body, which had been wrapped in a plastic bag and stashed inside a draw in the lavatory.

According to the Jakarta Post, the woman – who had just hours earlier been taken off the plane – admitted to investigators that the baby was hers. Apparently, the woman, who is married with children, abandoned the newborn because she had fallen pregnant to her employer in Abu Dhabi.

“[She] didn’t look healthy and won’t be questioned until she is fit,” Jakarta Airport police chief Ahmad Yusef told Agence France-Presse. “The woman is now at the airport’s health centre.”

travel, flying, baby, Newborn, Etihad Airways