Rachel Fieldhouse
Travel Trouble

Local woman nearly flips car in clash with anti-vaxxer

Footage of a fed-up local clashing with a ‘Freedom Fighter’ in Canberra has emerged online, as the huge demonstration against vaccine mandates continues.

In the clip, which has been viewed 262,000 times, a local Canberra woman, who has since been identified as Chantal-Jasmine Fox, can be seen having a heated exchange with one of the protestors from the car in front.

“Get the f**k outta Canberra. Go get a job and find something better to do,” Ms Fox can be heard saying from the driver’s seat of her car as the window rolls down, while the protester asks for her licence.

“You reversed into me,” she says to the protestor filming.

“Um sorry, we’re at a traffic light and-” the protestor says, before Ms Fox interrupts.

“Say whatever you like, man. You can put whatever you want sweetheart, the media doesn’t care about you,” she says.

“I’m not talking to the media,” the protestor replies.

With their altercation seeming to be over, Ms Fox moves her car to be right next to the protester's car.

The footage shows Ms Fox’s vehicle slamming the protester’s, with the impact seeing her car almost flip over and land her rear right wheel on the protester’s car bonnet.

The clip quickly spread across social media, prompting Ms Fox to receive a wave of backlash after she shared the video on her Instagram page.

Ms Fox took to Instagram to share examples of the abuse she has been receiving over the incident, as well as footage and images from the scene. Images: @fantastic_miss_foxx (Instagram)

In one screenshot she shared, one person commented, “What do you have to say for yourself”, to which she replied, “Suck my b***s”.

Another screenshot shared by Ms Fox showed a private message she received through Instagram from a woman who called her a “skank” and told her to “learn some manners!”.

“These are the kind, rational people at these protests,” Ms Fox said in a follow-up clip.

In another image she shared, her black 4WD can be seen mounted on the protester’s car.

“A bit butthurt over an accident,” she wrote over the photo.

“Antivaxxers = drama.”

Police have confirmed Ms Fox will be issued an infringement notice for negligent driving, The Daily Mail reported.

The incident is one of several altercations that have occurred in the capital city over the weekend, as thousands of anti-vaxxer protestors known as the Convoy to Canberra gathered outside Federal Parliament.

Several people were arrested after breaking through barricades set up at Parliament House, while Lifeline Canberra’s book fair - a yearly fundraiser and Australia’s biggest book fair - was forced to cancel the event after visitors and volunteers were subject to abuse from protestors.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison called on the protesters to act “peacefully and respectfully”, saying that vaccine mandates were the responsibility of state governments.

ACT Police and the management of Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC), where protestors have been camping, have advised protestors to leave the grounds by Sunday, February 13.

“ACT Policing reiterates its support for the rights of individuals to conduct peaceful protests, but visitors camping in the ACT need to do so lawfully,” police said in a statement.

Images: @mattDCLXVI (Twitter)

Travel trouble, Antivaxxers, altercation, protests