Carla La Tella
Travel Trouble

"Shame on you": Woman responds to vicious note left on car

A British woman has fired back at a person who left a cruel, fat-shaming note on the windscreen of her car while she was grocery shopping.

The woman, who remains anonymous, revealed her shock when she came back to her car to find a note after a minor incident she experienced while getting out of her car.

In a recent post on social media, she recounted the events saying that she accidentally "tapped" another vehicle whilst opening her car door. She also said that the female driver whose car she tapped was parked across two spaces.

Upon returning to her car after her shopping, she was shocked to find a cruel message which "hoped" for her to end up in an accident. The post read, "Fat people need to drive thin cars and be more polite. I hope you have an accident."

The woman posted a photo of the note and addressed the driver behind the letter in the caption writing, "Shame on you for making such derogatory remarks about another person, you must be a very sad and bad person for wishing that someone has an accident. Glad I don't know you."

She continued, "At 54 and size 12/14, I didn't take offence but this person doesn't know my journey and for her to make such a horrible comment and wish me harm is beyond belief."

The post gained plenty of internet attention and the woman received an overwhelming amount of support from internet goers who condemned the note.

"That's disgusting, what a terrible thing to even think, let alone put it in writing," one user wrote. Another added, "For someone to write this, they are sick and twisted. They certainly are not good members of society, so don't worry, they're letting out because their own life is horrendous."

Images: Getty & Gloucester Live

UK, harassment, fat shaming, shopping, travel trouble