Ben Squires
Travel Trouble

Terrified passengers feared massive cyclone would sink cruise ship

A terrified passenger on the Norwegian Breakaway has captured the moment she feared a massive storm would sink her cruise ship as it was pummelled by nine-metre swells.

The vessel, which holds 4,000 holidaymakers, docked safely in New York on Saturday, but not after passengers enduring two frightening days of massive swells.

New York mother and model Christina Mendez captured every moment of the cruise from hell on Twitter, which left her young boys with a nasty bout of sea sickness.

Mendez’s videos show the vessel lurching from side-to-side in the rough seas, as screeching winds can be heard from deep within the bowels of the ship.

Passenger Karoline Ross described the terrifying experience in an interview with CBS.

"When you're on a boat in the middle of the ocean and water is pouring down the stairs, you're thinking 'this is not going to end well," Ms Ross said.

"This was the worst moment of my life."

What are your thoughts? Do you think the cruise is as terrifying as the passengers made it out to be? Or do you think they’re being a tad melodramatic?

travel, cruising, cyclone, video, storm, Seas