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"Absolute breakthrough": New hope in search for Motor Neurone Disease cure

<p>Melbourne researchers are one step closer to finding a cure for Motor Neurone Disease, with the help technology and stem cell research. </p> <p>Scientists at The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health have developed a world-first technology that will speed up the drug testing process to help find an effective treatment and maybe even a cure for the disease. </p> <p>New machines at the institute can now help determine whether drugs on the market could be used to treat MND in just weeks, a process which previously took decades. </p> <p>"This is an absolute breakthrough, it's at the cutting edge of technology," Florey MND researcher Professor Brad Turner said.</p> <p>Animal cells were previously used to test the efficacy of MND drugs, but now thanks to more than 100 MND patients who donated their skin cells to the institute, researchers have a library of stem cells to work with. </p> <p>The human stem cells can provide scientists with the full scope of the disease, something that they were previously unable to do with just animal cells. </p> <p>"This is really a game-changer in that we can use their own cells, and we can test drugs directly on their own cells," Florey MND researcher and neurologist Dr Thanuja Dharmadasa said. </p> <p>Large scale screening will commence thanks to a $5 million grant from the Australian Medical Research Future Fund.</p> <p><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">The research is expected to help people like Phil Camden who has been living with the disease for 10 years. </span></p> <p>"That's the key to all of us living with MND... we want to do what we can while we can," Camden said.</p> <p>"We know we're not doing it to find a cure for us. We're doing it for those in the future, my grandkids and their children."</p> <p>Scientists believe that medication or a cocktail of drugs tailored specifically to a patient is the way forward when it comes to treating the disease. </p> <p>"Therefore your drug treatments are tailed back to the clinical makeup in the dish and we call that personalised medical treatment," Turner said.</p> <p><em>Image: Nine News</em></p> <p> </p>


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Body found in search for wife of former rugby star

<p>A body has been found in the search for Jenny Hastings, the wife of the former Scotland rugby star Scott Hastings. </p> <p>Jenny, 60, went missing at Wardie Bay, a wild swimming spot near Edinburgh, on Tuesday.</p> <p>A massive search involving police, ambulance and coastguard crews was launched in the Firth of Forth, according to <em>The Sun</em>. </p> <p>Despite their efforts, the search was stood down on Tuesday night. </p> <p>On Saturday afternoon, police said a woman's body was found in the Hound Point area of South Queensferry, near Edinburgh. </p> <p>Formal identification has yet to take place, but police said that: “The family of missing woman Jenny Hastings has been informed.”</p> <p>They also said "there did not appear to be any suspicious circumstances and a report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal". </p> <p>Police were treating her disappearance as a “high-risk missing persons case,” as Jenny struggles with her mental health. </p> <p>Her family previously issued a statement amid fears she was dead. </p> <p>“It appears that she wished to end her suffering in what was a regular and healing place for her," they said. </p> <p>“She loved the water but unfortunately her mind was not in a place of safety.</p> <p>“The Hastings family are absolutely heartbroken. We miss our Jenny.</p> <p>“She leaves a gaping hole in all our hearts and hope that she is returned to us safely so that we can celebrate her remarkable life.”</p> <p>Scottish Rugby also shared a statement on social media yesterday, sending their love and support to the Hastings family. </p> <p>“Scottish Rugby sends its love and support to Scott Hastings, Scotland cap 848, after his wife Jenny was reported missing whilst swimming earlier this week.</p> <p>“Our thoughts are with their children, and the wider Hastings family, at this heartbreaking time.”</p> <p>Jenny had been open about her struggles with mental health. In March 2017, she disappeared from the couple's Edinburgh home for 36 hours and walked to the Pentland Hills while she was suffering from depression. </p> <p>The couple both became ambassadors for charity Support in Mind Scotland and devoted work to helping others with their own mental health by staying active. </p> <p>They helped launch the 100 Streets challenge, encouraging people to get out and exercise with friends.</p> <p><em>Images:</em></p> <p> </p>


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"No trace": Desperate search continues for Dr Michael Mosley

<p>The search for Dr Michael Mosley has ramped up after he disappeared while on holiday in the Greek islands. </p> <p>The British health expert, known for popularising intermittent fasting for weight loss, was on holiday with his family on the island of Symi when he seemingly vanished without a trace on Wednesday. </p> <p>Mosley, 67, set off on a hike along St Nicholas Beach on the island in the early afternoon but failed to return and was reported missing by his wife Dr Clare Bailey.</p> <p>The search for the doctor has now expanded, as Channel 7 reporter Mylee Hogan explained on <em>Sunrise</em> on Friday. </p> <p>“This morning the search has now expanded — they have called in crews from other islands to help,” Hogan said. “Those crews have come in on helicopter, they have drones, and dogs as well, to try to locate him."</p> <p>Authorities believe he may have been affected by the heat during his walk, as Hogan said, “They are working on the theory he may have been impacted by the heat and fallen.” </p> <p>“The area they’re searching where he was walking is only a 3km distance, but it is quite rugged, so they are trying to focus on that area (the walking track).”</p> <p>According to a report in the <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-link-type="article-inline">UK’s Metro</a></em> news outlet, a resident claimed it was “impossible” to get lost on the island.</p> <p>Symi  Mayor Eleftherios Papakalodoukas reinforced the sentiment, telling <em>BBC News</em>, “It is a very small, controlled area, full of people. So if something happened to him there, we would have found him by now.”</p> <p>Senior police spokesperson Constantina Dimoglidou previously told the <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-link-type="article-inline">Daily Mail</a></em> that ongoing searches had so far been unsuccessful.</p> <p>“We have now asked the fire brigade to assist in the operation in case he may have slipped, tripped, fallen, or even bitten by a snake, remaining injured somewhere,” he said.</p> <p>“There is just no trace of him. None whatsoever and that means that for us at least, every potential scenario is being investigated.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock Editorial </em></p>


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How do airplanes fly? An aerospace engineer explains the physics of flight

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Craig Merrett</a>, <a href="">Clarkson University</a></em></p> <p>Airplane flight is one of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century. The <a href="">invention of the airplane</a> allows people to travel from one side of the planet to the other in less than a day, compared with weeks of travel by boat and train.</p> <p>Understanding precisely why airplanes fly is an ongoing challenge for <a href="">aerospace engineers, like me</a>, who study and design airplanes, rockets, satellites, helicopters and space capsules.</p> <p>Our job is to make sure that flying through the air or in space is safe and reliable, by using tools and ideas from science and mathematics, like computer simulations and experiments.</p> <p>Because of that work, flying in an airplane is <a href="">the safest way to travel</a> – safer than cars, buses, trains or boats. But although aerospace engineers design aircraft that are stunningly sophisticated, you might be surprised to learn there are still some details about the physics of flight that we don’t fully understand.</p> <figure class="align-center zoomable"><a href=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=1000&amp;fit=clip"><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=381&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=381&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=381&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=479&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=479&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=479&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="A diagram of an airplane that shows the four forces of flight." /></a><figcaption><span class="caption">The forces of weight, thrust, drag and lift act on a plane to keep it aloft and moving.</span> <span class="attribution"><a class="source" href="">NASA</a></span></figcaption></figure> <h2>May the force(s) be with you</h2> <p>There are <a href="">four forces</a> that aerospace engineers consider when designing an airplane: weight, thrust, drag and lift. Engineers use these forces to help design the shape of the airplane, the size of the wings, and figure out how many passengers the airplane can carry.</p> <p>For example, when an airplane takes off, the thrust must be greater than the drag, and the lift must be greater than the weight. If you watch an airplane take off, you’ll see the wings change shape using flaps from the back of the wings. The flaps help make more lift, but they also make more drag, so a powerful engine is necessary to create more thrust.</p> <p>When the airplane is high enough and is cruising to your destination, lift needs to balance the weight, and the thrust needs to balance the drag. So the pilot pulls the flaps in and can set the engine to produce less power.</p> <p>That said, let’s define what force means. According to <a href="">Newton’s Second Law</a>, a force is a mass multiplied by an acceleration, or F = ma.</p> <p>A force that everyone encounters every day is <a href="">the force of gravity</a>, which keeps us on the ground. When you get weighed at the doctor’s office, they’re actually measuring the amount of force that your body applies to the scale. When your weight is given in pounds, that is a measure of force.</p> <p>While an airplane is flying, gravity is pulling the airplane down. That force is the weight of the airplane.</p> <p>But its engines push the airplane forward because they create <a href="">a force called thrust</a>. The engines pull in air, which has mass, and quickly push that air out of the back of the engine – so there’s a mass multiplied by an acceleration.</p> <p>According to <a href="">Newton’s Third Law</a>, for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. When the air rushes out the back of the engines, there is a reaction force that pushes the airplane forward – that’s called thrust.</p> <p>As the airplane flies through the air, the shape of the airplane pushes air out of the way. Again, by Newton’s Third Law, this air pushes back, <a href="">which leads to drag</a>.</p> <p>You can experience something similar to drag when swimming. Paddle through a pool, and your arms and feet provide thrust. Stop paddling, and you will keep moving forward because you have mass, but you will slow down. The reason that you slow down is that the water is pushing back on you – that’s drag.</p> <h2>Understanding lift</h2> <p><a href="">Lift</a> is more complicated than the other forces of weight, thrust and drag. It’s created by the wings of an airplane, and the shape of the wing is critical; that shape is <a href="">known as an airfoil</a>. Basically it means the top and bottom of the wing are curved, although the shapes of the curves can be different from each other.</p> <p>As air flows around the airfoil, <a href="">it creates pressure</a> – a force spread out over a large area. Lower pressure is created on the top of the airfoil compared to the pressure on the bottom. Or to look at it another way, air travels faster over the top of the airfoil than beneath.</p> <p>Understanding why the pressure and speeds are different on the top and the bottom is <a href="">critical to understand lift</a>. By improving our understanding of lift, engineers can design more fuel-efficient airplanes and give passengers more comfortable flights.</p> <figure class="align-center zoomable"><a href=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=1000&amp;fit=clip"><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=385&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=385&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=385&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=484&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=484&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=484&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="A diagram that shows how the airfoil of a plane works." /></a><figcaption><span class="caption">Note the airfoil, which is a specific wing shape that helps keep a plane in the air.</span> <span class="attribution"><a class="source" href=";adppopup=true">Dimitrios Karamitros/iStock via Getty Images Plus</a></span></figcaption></figure> <h2>The conundrum</h2> <p>The reason why air moves at different speeds around an airfoil remains mysterious, and <a href="">scientists are still investigating</a> this question.</p> <p>Aerospace engineers have measured these pressures on a wing in both wind tunnel experiments and during flight. We can create models of different wings to predict if they will fly well. We can also change lift by changing a wing’s shape to create airplanes that fly for long distances or fly very fast.</p> <p>Even though we still don’t fully know why lift happens, aerospace engineers work with mathematical equations that recreate the different speeds on the top and bottom of the airfoil. Those equations describe a process <a href="">known as circulation</a>.</p> <p>Circulation provides aerospace engineers with a way to model what happens around a wing even if we do not completely understand why it happens. In other words, through the use of math and science, we are able to build airplanes that are safe and efficient, even if we don’t completely understand the process behind why it works.</p> <p>Ultimately, if aerospace engineers can figure out why the air flows at different speeds depending on which side of the wing it’s on, we can design airplanes that use less fuel and pollute less.</p> <p><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Craig Merrett</em></a><em>, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, <a href="">Clarkson University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

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Search for trapped Sydney woman ends in tragedy

<p>The search for a woman in her 30s caught in the middle of an explosion in Western Sydney has ended in tragedy. </p> <p>Jasmin Mhey was the only person unaccounted for after a townhouse in Western Sydney was destroyed in an explosion on Saturday afternoon, caused by a suspected gas leak. </p> <p>Now, more than 30 hours after the blast, search and rescue teams on Monday confirmed they had located the body of a woman, who has yet to be formally identified. </p> <p>The frantic search for Ms Mhey began on Saturday after the explosion, but was hampered by wet weather.</p> <p>On Monday morning, police confirmed in a statement that the body of a woman had been found.</p> <p>“Following an extensive search operation over the weekend, the body of a woman was found about 3.20am on Monday at the scene," the statement said. </p> <p>“The woman is yet to be formally identified. A report will be prepared for the information of the coroner.” </p> <p>Neighbours on Sunday told of how the missing woman’s mother reacted when she found out her daughter was caught up in the blast.</p> <p>“She broke out crying a couple of times,” neighbour Evelyn said.</p> <p>“But then she kept saying, ‘my daughter’s strong, my daughter’s strong, my daughter’s strong’.”</p> <p>Emergency services are yet to establish what caused the blast, which will be subject to a NSW Police investigation, although police were initially called to the area to reports of a gas explosion.</p> <p><em>Image credits: 7News</em></p>


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Former detective shares new theory on Samantha Murphy's murder

<p>After several weeks of no leads, police were happy to share their breakthrough on the case of Samantha Murphy's murder after they located her mobile phone. </p> <p>During a "<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">targeted search</a>", officers found Ms Murphy's iPhone on the bank of a dam, in what is one of the most significant developments in the case as police continue to search for Ms Murphy’s missing body.</p> <p>However, retired detective Charlie Bezzina has urged police and members of the public that just because the phone has been located, it could still be some time until Ms Murphy's body is found. </p> <p>Bezzina suggested that the phone had been planted in the dam and then concealed Ms Murphy’s body elsewhere in a bid to mislead police.</p> <p>Mr Bezzina, a veteran cop with decades of experience, said he found it perplexing that police could locate the submerged phone without prior intelligence. </p> <p>He speculated that authorities might have had some degree of tracking information while the phone was still active, hinting that the police may know more than they’re disclosing.</p> <p>Mr Bezzina went on to suspect that someone may have been in possession of Ms Murphy's phone for some time before discarding it. </p> <p>“With phones it’s amazing. There’s a lot the carrier, or carriers, don’t tell us about the capabilities of a phone,” Mr Bezzina said via Herald Sun.</p> <p>“When you’ve got a phone that’s off, people ask the question, ‘is it still transmitting’, and ‘if the battery goes flat does it still transmit?’ Some do and some don’t.”</p> <p>Mr Bezzina said it’s not uncommon for offenders to keep items for a while before discarding them, particularly mobile phones. </p> <p>“We don’t know when that phone was dumped in there, it is not unusual for offenders to keep items for a while, especially mobile phones … for all we know that might have been discarded just weeks ago,” he said.</p> <p>“Often offenders go back and do things, keep the phone somewhere or with them, and then dump it later on."</p> <p>“And that’s where they’ll get any evidence, if it’s been pinging … people can think ‘I’ll drive 10 or 15 kilometres away and I’ll dump the phone there to really put them off the scent, if the phone is in some way traceable’ … so not unusual at all for it to be dumped in a separate location (to the body).”</p> <p>Ms Murphy was last seen on February 4th, and although 22-year-old Patrick Orren Stephenson has been charged with her murder, her body has yet to be found. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Nine News</em></p>


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Major update in search for Samantha Murphy's body

<p>IMPORTANT UPDATE: Police have announced a significant breakthrough in the ongoing investigation into the disappearance of Samantha Murphy, who went missing during her morning jog on February 4. In a renewed targeted search, “items of interest” have now been discovered, offering new hope in the case.</p> <p>Victoria Police, in a recent statement, revealed that the search area in Buninyong has been cordoned off as specialist police and detectives, with assistance from the Australian Federal Police (AFP), conducted an intensive search. Among the recovered items, one is reported to be a phone. However, police are withholding further details until testing is complete.</p> <p>“At this stage we are not providing further information about the items until that testing has been completed,” a police spokeswoman said. “The investigation remains ongoing. Further information will be provided once we are in a position to do so.”</p> <p>Samantha was last seen on the morning of February 4, leaving her home on Eureka Street in Ballarat East for a run in the Canadian State Forest. Despite extensive efforts, her body has not been found, and her disappearance remains a mystery.</p> <p>On Wednesday May 29, detectives from the Missing Persons Squad, along with a variety of specialist resources, began conducting a new, targeted search in the Ballarat area. In a statement, police paid special attention to the importance of this search to their ongoing investigation.</p> <p>"Police are undertaking a targeted search in the Ballarat area today as part of the investigation into the disappearance of Samantha Murphy," the statement read. "Police ask that members of the public do not attend the search at this time."</p> <p>The renewed search effort included the deployment of an excavator and other specialist equipment, in an obvious nod to the seriousness and intensity of the operation. </p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720" /></p> <p>Since Samantha's disappearance, police have been conducting regular enquiries and smaller searches. These efforts have included the involvement of mounted officers, dog squads and motorcyclists, particularly in a targeted search of the Buninyong Bushland Reserve in March. This earlier search was based on intelligence from multiple sources, according to a police spokesperson.</p> <p>Samantha's family has been kept informed about the ongoing searches. The emotional toll on them has been immense, with the community also expressing widespread concern and support.</p> <p>The investigation took a significant turn when <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Patrick Stephenson</a>, the son of former AFL player Orren Stephenson, was charged with Ms. Murphy’s murder. Police believe he acted alone in what they have described as a deliberate attack. "He has been charged with murder so, by definition, we are saying this was a deliberate attack on Samantha," Chief Commissioner Shane Patton stated in March.</p> <p>The details surrounding Samantha's disappearance have been particularly harrowing. She was reported to have left her home around 7am for a 14-kilometre run through the Woowookarung Regional Park, and police believe she reached the Mount Clear area approximately an hour later. Since then, she has neither been seen nor heard from.</p> <p>As the renewed search progresses, the hope remains that it will yield new information or evidence to bring closure to Samantha family and the Ballarat community. The commitment of the police and specialist teams to this investigation is a true testament to the importance of finding answers and achieving justice for Samantha Murphy.</p> <p><em>Images: Supplied</em></p>


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Police release new images in search for church rioters

<p>The images of 12 men who were allegedly involved in the violent riot outside The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley have been released by NSW Police. </p> <p>Three men have been charged over their alleged involvement in the riot last Monday, shortly after bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was stabbed during a service that was being live-streamed. </p> <p>A 16-year-old boy has been <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">arrested</a> over the stabbing incident, with police describing it as a "terror incident". </p> <p>Now, Strike Force Dribs have been established to investigate the violent incidents, and they have released the images of the men they would like to speak to. </p> <p>Acting Assistant Commissioner Andrew Holland said that around 2,000 people were at the scene but up to 50 were there "to start problems". </p> <p>"We know that there's groups of families involved that have gone there to support their parishioners, and we're not looking for those people," he said.</p> <p>"We're looking to speak with them if they can provide us information about the people involved."</p> <p>In the immediate aftermath of the incident, dozens of police were injured, their cars vandalised, and some officers and paramedics were forced to take shelter inside the church. </p> <p>One police officer had their jaw broken, while another suffered facial and knee injuries. </p> <p>Superintendent Andrew Evans said that the images of the men have been released  "due to the violent and aggressive nature of their actions".</p> <p>"We are doing everything we can to identify these men and are now appealing for public assistance," he said in a statement.</p> <p>"Someone in the community knows who they are."</p> <p>One man — known as Person A — had his face covered but was filmed jumping on top of police cars. He has a large tattoo of Jesus Christ on his stomach, and others on his left arm. </p> <p>Another — known as Person C <span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">—</span><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;"> was described as being of</span> Mediterranean or Middle Eastern appearance with short black hair and a beard. </p> <p>A full list of all the people police believed were involved in the riots were released on their <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">website</a>, with descriptions of their features and the clothes they were wearing. </p> <p>Investigators are also collecting evidence including mobile phone and CCTV footage to identify those involved.</p> <p>Over the weekend, Issa Haddad, 28, was charged and granted bail for over the public disorder incident. </p> <p>Two others, Dani Mansour, 19, and Sam Haddad, 45, have also been charged and granted bail. </p> <p><em>Images: NSW Police/ SBS News</em></p>


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New search commences for Samantha Murphy’s body

<p dir="ltr">A new search for the body of Samantha Murphy is set to take place on Thursday in the dense bushland in Victoria. </p> <p dir="ltr">The Ballarat mother, 51, went missing without a trace in February when she left home for her morning run and never returned. </p> <p dir="ltr">Since various sources came forward with fresh intelligence, authorities will lead a search through bushland in the Enfield State Park area, about 25km from Ballarat where she was last seen. </p> <p dir="ltr">"The search will focus on an area highlighted by intelligence derived from a number of sources," Victoria Police said in a statement on Thursday.</p> <p dir="ltr">"Since Samantha's disappearance over two months ago, a range of searches and other enquiries have been undertaken in the Ballarat area as part of this investigation.”</p> <p dir="ltr">"This includes extensive large-scale searches such as we have planned this week, but also smaller targeted searches focused in very specific areas.”</p> <p dir="ltr">"I want to assure those in the Ballarat community that police remain focused on doing everything we can to return Samantha to her family."</p> <p dir="ltr">Police have urged members of the public not to join in the search, but assured concerned locals they will share updates on the search as they see fit. </p> <p dir="ltr">In March, 22-year-old Patrick Orren Stephenson was charged with Murphy’s murder, as police allege he killed Murphy while she was on a run through the Canadian State Forest, but have not publicly identified any further details of their case.</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Nine</em></p>


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Sad end in search for missing Yellowstone actor

<p>The entertainment industry is mourning the loss of actor Cole Brings Plenty, known for his roles in various Western dramas, including a spin-off of the immensely popular television series <em>Yellowstone</em>.</p> <p>The news of his demise surfaced after a distressing sequence of events unfolded in Kansas, where Brings Plenty was found dead after being reported missing amidst a domestic violence investigation.</p> <p>Authorities from the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office confirmed on Friday the discovery of Brings Plenty's body in a wooded area. This revelation came in the wake of escalating concerns when the actor went missing amid a cloud of suspicion regarding a domestic violence incident.</p> <p>The circumstances surrounding Brings Plenty's death remain shrouded in mystery, as law enforcement officials have refrained from disclosing any details regarding the cause of death. However, the tragic saga began to unfold days prior when Brings Plenty found himself entangled in legal troubles.</p> <p>Reports indicate that Brings Plenty was charged in a nearby county with aggravated burglary, domestic battery and criminal restraint, prompting an arrest warrant against him. The series of events culminated when authorities responded to a distress call from an apartment in Lawrence, where a woman was heard screaming for help. However, by the time law enforcement arrived at the scene, Brings Plenty had already departed.</p> <p>The gravity of the situation escalated when Brings Plenty failed to attend a crucial audition for an upcoming film project scheduled over Zoom. </p> <p>Amid the turmoil, expressions of sorrow and condolence flooded in from all corners. Joe Brings Plenty Sr, the actor's father, expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support and prayers from well-wishers. "I learned this week how many people knew the goodness in Cole’s heart and loved him," he said in a statement released on Friday.</p> <p>Cole Brings Plenty, aged 27, left an indelible mark on the entertainment landscape with his appearances in several Western dramas. Notably, he graced the screen in two episodes of <em>1923</em>, a Paramount+ series starring veteran actor Harrison Ford, which serves as a prequel to the widely acclaimed <em>Yellowstone</em>. Additionally, Brings Plenty showcased his talent in other Western productions, including <em>Into the Wild Frontier</em> and <em>The Tall Tales of Jim Bridger</em>.</p> <p><em>Image: Instagram</em></p>


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Detection dogs to lead search for Samantha Murphy's body

<p>Detectives have launched a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">fresh search</a> for Samantha Murphy's body, but after spending eight hours on Wednesday trying to locate her remains in Buninyong to no avail, they are trying a different approach. </p> <p>Technology detection dogs will assist detectives in their search on Thursday, at a new site that police have not specified, with the intention of trying to track her phone or watch. </p> <p>“We’ll be going to a different location but we will also use assistance from the Australian Federal Police today in technical detection dogs,” Chief Commissioner Shane Patton told <em>ABC Radio</em>. </p> <p>“We don’t have the capacity — we are trying to get that capability — to run a dog that can detect a SIM from a mobile phone and that type of thing.</p> <p>“We still haven’t recovered her phone and her watch. We’ll use all those specialist skills.”</p> <p>He also added that the "intelligence" they received, which sparked this fresh search did not come from interviews with accused murderer, Patrick Orren Stephenson. </p> <p>“We are doing everything we can to try and find Samantha Murphy’s body. We weren’t successful yesterday but we will continue to do everything we can,” Chief Commissioner Patton said. </p> <p>In another statement, Victoria police also said that the search on Thursday is not a "full-scale targeted search". </p> <p>"This is not a full-scale targeted search as took place yesterday in Buninyong with a range of specialist resources," they said. </p> <p>"Detectives from the Missing Persons squad have been based in Ballarat for over a month and regularly undertake a range of enquiries and small scale searches as part of the current investigation." </p> <p>The accused murderer, who is the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">son of former AFL player</a> Orren Stephenson, was arrested and charged on March 6, and was refused bail at Ballarat Magistrate’s Court.</p> <p>He will next face court on August 8.</p> <p><em>Images: Nine News</em></p> <p> </p>


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New update in search for Samantha Murphy's body

<p>A fresh search for Samantha Murphy's body has begun, with police targeting their search in areas “highlighted by intelligence” from several sources. </p> <p>The 51-year-old Ballarat mum, was allegedly murdered by 22-year-old Patrick Orren Stephenson, after she went missing while on a morning run near her home on February 4. </p> <p>Officers will begin their renewed search for the mum's remains on select parts of the Buninyong Bushland Reserve on Wednesday. </p> <p>The search will be conducted by specialist units including  the Missing Persons Squad, Search and Rescue Squad, Mounted Branch, Dog Squad, Public Order Response Team and motorcyclists from Road Policing Command as well as local police. </p> <p>“Since Samantha’s disappearance, extensive searches have been conducted in the Ballarat area and today we will focus on an area of bushland in Buninyong,” Detective Superintendent Mark Hatt said.</p> <p>Victoria Police said that the search would “focus on trying to locate Samantha’s body” and members of the public have been urged to not join the search efforts. </p> <p>“We will have a range of specialist resources involved, however as we are searching for Samantha’s body, we ask that members of the public do not try and join today’s search," the detective added. </p> <p>“Hopefully today’s search will benefit the investigation or provide further avenues of enquiry for police. We will also look at further searches in the Ballarat area as the investigation progresses.”</p> <p>He added that police are doing everything they can to find her body. </p> <p>“While someone has been charged in relation to Samantha’s disappearance, we remain committed to doing everything we can to locate her and return her to her family,” Detective Superintendent Hatt said. </p> <p>Patrick Orren Stephenson was <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">charged</a> with Murphy's murder on March 6 and was refused bail at the Ballarat Magistrate’s Court. </p> <p>Police allege that the son of former AFL player Orren Stephenson killed Murphy in a “deliberate attack”. </p> <p>His identity was initially suppressed by the court out of fears for his safety, but the order was challenged by the media, and his <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">identity</a> was revealed days later. </p> <p>He is due to face court on August 8. </p> <p><em>Image:</em></p>


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Update on search for bodies of murdered couple

<p>The search for the bodies of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies, a Sydney couple tragically slain in an alleged double murder, continues to unfold, as human remains have now reportedly been found near the Bungonia property that was originally searched by police on Monday.</p> <p>NSW Police had been tirelessly scouring a property in Grays Point and the vast nearby Royal National Park, a locale now inexorably linked to the grim events of February 19.</p> <p>At the centre of the drama stands Beaumont Lamarre-Condon, the 28-year-old former NSW police officer who now finds himself behind bars, charged with the murder of Jesse Baird, a 26-year-old former Ten reporter, and his partner Luke Davies, aged 29. The alleged timeline of events paints a picture of horror, with the couple believed to have met their demise sometime between midnight and 5pm on Monday.</p> <p>The Grays Point property that was under intense scrutiny is Lamarre-Condon’s family home<span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">. As investigators dig deeper into the case, attention was also been drawn to a Bungonia property in the Southern Tablelands, where Lamarre-Condon and an acquaintance embarked on a cryptic journey just days after the alleged murders. Police shifted their search efforts from </span>Bungonia to the Grays Point property on Tuesday morning in hopes of discovering the missing bodies, until officers announced on Tuesday afternoon that human remains had been discovered near the original search site in Bungonia.</p> <p>In a public address to the media on Tuesday afternoon, NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb said, <span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">"We believe we have located two bodies at that location. </span>The families have been informed. And crime scene detectives have just arrived on scene at that location now."</p> <p>Detective Superintendent Daniel Doherty also revealed that Homicide Squad detectives went to Silverwater prison to speak with Lamarre-Condon at about 11am on Tuesday, and that "as a result of that, he provided assistance to the investigation and [was] able to provide a location of where Luke and Jesse were."</p> <p>Police then went to a second location at Bungonia, about 20 minutes from the original search location, and found the bodies. "There were two surf bags that have been found. And some debris and other items of interest of significance."</p> <p>Doherty also said police phoned the families immediately after the bodies were found. "It's probably mixed emotions for them. You can understand how they may have felt. But at least they have an answer and they want to travel down to the Goulburn area, and we'll provide as much support as we can and accommodate them."</p> <p><em>Images: Instagram / NSW Police</em></p>


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Police officer arrested amid search for missing men

<p>A police officer has turned himself in over the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">suspicious disappearance</a> of two men. </p> <p>Former Network Ten presenter 26-year-old Jesse Baird and his boyfriend 29-year-old Luke Davies were last seen on Monday, with police launching an extensive investigation into their disappearance. </p> <p>On Thursday, officers called for Constable Beau Lamarre to come forward as part of the investigation, believing he could hold valuable information. </p> <p>Now, on Friday morning, the celebrity blogger turned police officer presented at Bondi Police Station where he was arrested. </p> <p>The man was then taken to Waverley Police Station where he is assisting with inquiries, police said.</p> <p>During a press conference on Friday afternoon, a lead investigator confirmed the young officer has been charged with two counts of murder, while adding the families of the young men have been told the investigation is being treated as a homicide. </p> <p>Lamarre is an ex-partner of Baird and was a former celebrity blogger before joining NSW Police in 2020.</p> <p><span style="font-family: abcsans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif;">Online the 28-year-old would often go by the pseudonym Beau London, creating accounts on social media and a celebrity blog page titled That's The Tea, where he posted selfies alongside celebrities such as </span><span style="font-family: abcsans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles and Taylor Swift.</span></p> <p style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; caret-color: #212529; color: #212529; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji';">An investigation began into Baird and Davies' disappearance after number of their personal items, including a watch, clothes, credit cards and keys were found by a worker in Club Cronulla, with blood stains present on the items. </p> <p style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; caret-color: #212529; color: #212529; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji';">Police have also searched two homes during their investigation - one in Balmain and one in Paddington - with officers "immediately" establishing a crime scene at the Paddington home after finding blood spatters. </p> <p style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; caret-color: #212529; color: #212529; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji';">According to officers, a “significant” amount of blood consistent with a fatality and signs of a struggle were discovered inside Mr Baird’s Paddington home on Thursday afternoon. </p> <p style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; caret-color: #212529; color: #212529; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji';"><em>Image credits: 9News / Instagram </em></p>


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Major development in search for Samantha Murphy

<p>Police are moving to a different search area around 5km away from where Samantha Murphy was last seen, after receiving new information from her mobile data. They now believe that “one or more parties” were involved in her disappearance. </p> <p>The Ballarat mum was last seen leaving her home at 7am on February 4 for her usual morning run. </p> <p>On Friday, detectives from the Missing Persons Squad will lead a targeted search of the Mount Clear area, which is adjacent to the Canadian State Forest where Murphy was known to frequent, as part of their investigation.</p> <p>The search will focus on an area “highlighted by intelligence derived from phone data”.</p> <p>Despite missing for almost three weeks now, police still insist that they did not believe Murphy;'s disappearance was “sinister”, but have now confirmed that she went missing under suspicious circumstances.</p> <p>“Police are treating her disappearance as suspicious due to the length of time she has been missing and given no trace of her has been found,” police said.</p> <p>Detective Acting Superintendent Mark Hatt said that while police are keeping an open mind about what happened to Murphy they have ruled out any type of medical incident as there was nothing to indicate that she left on her own accord. </p> <p>"We are keeping an open mind, but believe the most likely scenario is that her disappearance involves one or more parties," Detective Acting Superintendent Hatt said.</p> <p>“Since Samantha’s disappearance almost three weeks ago, a significant search and investigation has been undertaken in an effort to find her,” he added.</p> <p>“I know that a lot of people, particularly those who live in the local Ballarat community, are extremely concerned about the fact we haven’t yet located Samantha or who may be responsible for her disappearance.</p> <p>“I want to reassure those members of the public that Victoria Police is doing everything we can to find out what has happened and provide some answers to Samantha’s family and the broader community.”</p> <p>Investigators are currently reviewing about 12,000 hours of CCTV footage and following up on over 500 pieces of information. </p> <p>On Thursday, police announced that they have called in additional detectives from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">specialist units</a> to help with the search.</p> <p>They are also asking residents in the Ballarat East and Mount Helen areas particularly around the Canadian Forest to check their CCTV footage for any relevant information. </p> <p>“I encourage anyone who does have information that could be relevant to this investigation — whether that’s a person or vehicle seen in the area on that day, something unusual such as a damaged vehicle or property — to please come forward and speak to police or provide the information via Crime Stoppers,” Hatt said.</p> <p>“Police remain open to any and all possibilities, so if you know something or have seen something, then we want to hear from you.”</p> <p><em>Images: 7NEWs</em></p>


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New development in search for Samantha Murphy

<p>Police have called in more than a dozen detectives from specialist units to assist the investigation into the disappearance of Samantha Murphy 18 days after she went missing. </p> <p>The mother-of-three was last seen leaving her Ballarat East home to go on her usual morning run in nearby bushland at around 7am on February 4. </p> <p>Now, The Missing Persons Squad, who is leading the investigation has been expanded to include detectives from the Counter Terrorism Command and Crime Command units.</p> <p>The detectives from these specialist units are “highly skilled” selected for their “experience in complex and protracted investigations”.</p> <p>Police have also clarified that the extra detectives have travelled to Ballarat because of their skills and experience rather than a terror or sex crime link. </p> <p>“We have not taken counter terrorism detectives because we think her disappearance is terrorism related,” police told the <em>Herald Sun</em>. </p> <p>Local community members are also doing whatever they can to help, and are conducting their own searches. </p> <p>The group of volunteers are all working together to find "any answers, any solution, any hints, any evidence that might be able to contribute towards bringing Sam home," local Cristie-Lea King told <em>A Current Affair</em> on Wednesday night. </p> <p>On Wednesday, community-members also banded together to fly in an <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">experienced bush tracker </a>to help them and share his expertise ahead of the community-led search on Saturday.</p> <p>“I’m hoping to get a lot done while I’m here,” he told 7News at the time. </p> <p>“I plan on training up some locals in the fundamentals of tracking, so when I leave I can continue to liaise with those on the ground." </p> <p>“People are entitled to their opinions as to whether or not Samantha is out in the bush.</p> <p>“On the chance that she is, I want to ensure that absolutely everything is done to find her.”</p> <p><em>Images: Victoria Police</em></p>

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Experienced bush tracker to join in search for Samantha Murphy

<p>An experienced bush tracker is joining the search for Samantha Murphy, who went missing two weeks ago after she was last seen going out for a morning run. </p> <p>Jake Cassar - who has experience in high-profile missing persons cases including that of missing child, William Tyrrell - is on his way to Ballarat to help with the ongoing search. </p> <p>Cassar’s involvement was announced in a Facebook post set up by locals to help find Murphy. </p> <p>Cristie Lea, who helped organised Cassar’s visit to Victoria, said that the experienced bushman will be arriving in Melbourne on Monday and will return on Friday, with the community pitching in to cover the cost of his flights. </p> <p>“I’m hoping to get a lot done while I’m here,” Cassar told 7News. </p> <p>Cassar's arrival is ahead of the planned community-led ground search for Murphy on Saturday, with him set to teach tracking skills to volunteers and help them “establish a solid game plan” before he leaves. </p> <p>“I’ll cover as much ground as physically possible while I’m out here, especially in the more remote places.</p> <p>“I plan on training up some locals in the fundamentals of tracking, so when I leave I can continue to liaise with those on the ground.”</p> <p>He added that he respected the work done so far by police and SES volunteers and hoped that he could find something that could further the investigation. </p> <p>“People are entitled to their opinions as to whether or not Samantha is out in the bush,” he said.</p> <p>“On the chance that she is, I want to ensure that absolutely everything is done to find her.”</p> <p>Cassar’s involvement had been “highly anticipated, warmly welcomed and very much appreciated” by locals who are helping search for Murphy. </p> <p>“Jake has significant bush expertise, tracking skills and previous experience in searching for missing people,” Lea said.</p> <p>“Momentum is strong and we pray that Jake’s expertise will energise the already motivated community and grow the already overwhelming public support for this Saturday’s major Ground Search event.</p> <p>“Together we will continue to encourage others to join local search activities that will bring Samantha home.”</p> <p><em>Images: Facebook</em></p>


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Ash Barty's first photoshoot with baby boy

<p>Ash Barty and her adorable seven-month-old son are the faces for one of Australia’s most iconic competitions this year, the BONDS Baby Search. </p> <p>“We’re so excited to be a part of the 2024 BONDS Baby Search," the tennis champion said. </p> <p>"The past six months has been filled with so many firsts – including baby Hayden’s first photo-shoot – so it feels like the stars lined up for us to be the faces of this year’s comp.”</p> <p>The seven-month-old is the spitting image of his mum, as he smiled for the cameras. </p> <p>This comes just days after Barty opened up on her experience of motherhood in an interview with <em>Body+Soul</em>.</p> <p>“I was very lucky to be able to watch my sisters raise their two kids, so I think I was always sensitive to how hard but also how rewarding it is,” she said.</p> <p>“But it’s a completely different ball game when it’s your own child. It’s relentless – it’s 24/7 – but it’s so rewarding and, honestly, it’s the best thing that I’ve ever done. I think it’s incomparable to being an athlete.”</p> <p>Established in 2005, BONDS Baby Search is an annual celebration of Aussie families and their babies - offering families the chance to win $30k as well as daily cash prizes of $200.</p> <p>There are three age-based categories: Newborn 0-6 months, Baby 6 months-2 years, and Toddler 2-3 years, with winners set to receive $10,000 each. </p> <p>Entries open on February 6 and will close on Wednesday, February 21 with winners to be announced on the 29th of February. </p> <p>“What better way to celebrate another year of Baby Search than teaming up with a cultural and sporting icon. The excitement is definitely real over here at BONDS,” BONDS marketing manager, Christie Madsen, said.</p> <p><em>Images: Nic Morley/</em></p>

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